Student Solution


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Week 4 - Group Discussion 2

Week 4 - Group Discussion 2

Q Discuss the following; post your initial response by Thursday night at 11:59 pm and then respond to at least two of your group members before Sunday at 11:59 pm. Analyze the basic ideas of death and the afterlife as they develop in Islam and Traditional African Religions. Note the similarities and differences concerning the afterlife between these traditions and ones we have already studied. Note any major unique features of these traditions compared with the others. Specific issues to consider: how literal do you think the Islamic descriptions of the afterlife are meant to be taken? What is the role of the ancestors in many traditional African religions?

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It is always interesting to learn that even though various religions in different groups and cultures exist, there are (to a certain extent) similarities that we can find. In learning about the basic ideas of death and the afterlife in Islam, we can see that they also believe in the day of judgment, how sinners are punished in hell while the believers or faithful are sent to heaven or paradise, that there is a particular last day that will one day come, and that there is a final resurrection. These beliefs are remarkably similar to the beliefs of Christians about death and the afterlife.